CALL TO ACTION | Hani is autistic, and needs structure and stability to feel safe, just like the rest of us. Please donate so that his family, including his two young siblings, can be safe. | Welcome HereYou have found my home on the Internet. This is my escape from social media. I hope you'll follow me. I am a jack of all trades, so you will find a lot of information here. I am a collector, a caregiver, and a weaver. I'm in my 30's and full of thoughts on building sustainable communities, which lives at odds with my persistent social anxiety. I'm not going to let any of that stop me, however. I'm (theoretically) an adult now. Not today, Satan. My goal is to recapture the community of the early net, as ad-free as possible. I will likely need some support to keep the ads at bay, but for now we are in our fetal stages, so we can grow slowly. |